Strategy Teams
Hi guys this is dalek54120.
I am starting a new thing called strategy teams. Ask me what level you need help with and I will do my best in thinking up a team for you.
Yours sincerely dalek54120.
Levels in need of creating
The following levels need creating. Also if you need help editing go to Anyway these levels need creating: Closing Time: Dormant Patience, Closing Time: Rising Up, Closing Time: The Strength of a Father, Horror of the Silent, Whispermen Nightmares!, Sontaran Disturbance: A Good Man Goes to War, Dalek Invasion 2024, Dalek Invasion 2024: On the Dalek Ship, Time Attack: Space Dreams of Whispermen, Time Attack: Dinosaurs!, Night Terrors: Fears of a Child, Night Terrors: A Wooden House, Night Terrors: Nowhere to Run, Night Terrors: Acceptance, Sontaran Reinforcements, Time Attack: 1892, Unholy Alliance: A New Ally, Unholy Alliance: On the Run, Unholy Alliance: Counterattack, The Wedding of River Song: The War of the …
Levels in need of editing
Hey guys the following levels need to be edited so we can have a finished wiki to help new comers in the game. These levels include of: Meanwhile..., Paradox of the Zygons, No Green Gems: Old friends, older enemies part 1, Sontaran Disturbance: The Name of the Doctor, Time Attack: Angel Hosts, (Mid season 7) The 11th Doctor Challenge 1, The Girl Who Waited: Sacrifice, Second in Command, Angels and Cybermen, Time Attack: Peg Dolls, No Yellow Gems: The Drums, Zygon Onslaught, Closing Time: Under the Streets, The Girl Who Waited: Two Streams, No blue gems: Bubble universe Beta part 2, (Late season 7) The 6th Doctor Challenge 1, Time Attack: Run!, Dalek Invasion 2024: Sudden Defence (Timed), The Almost People: Revenge, Time of Angels Sneak Pea…
Hey Everyone For editing levels here is a site you might want to use. Jupath Me I think it's called. You can find the link to it on the doctor who legacy site. It saves time from having to look at the iPad, Android or PC. And also please comment bellow on which character you would like me to do a team on. Thanks, Dalek54120.
Handles-Team of the Week
Thank you the 2000th doctor for your comment on Handles I've done a robot team which includes: The Eleventh Doctor, Bitey the Cybermite, K-9 Mk2, Rory the Handbot and the Eleventh Doctor's Spoonhead, as well as Handles. And again thank you the 2000th doctor for your comment. Alonsy from Dalek54120.