News: April 28, 2014
Tiny Rebel Games are planning to release more expert levels and allies next week. They are now accepting suggestion for existing allies to become expert allies on facebook.
2 doctors and 3 companions. Don't ask for unreleased characters such as rose tyler or donna noble.
The team is working on an update of the game to be pushed live tomorrow, mainly to fix Season 5 issues and bugs, but also to add new features like a skip button for cutscenes.
This week's email newsletter will include, for the first time, a special and exclusive promo code for a free Season 5 ally. Also, a brand new character will be available in the Fan Area next week.
News: April 9, 2014
Tiny Rebel Games announced a free crystal giveaway code every 48 hours until Season 5 goes live. you can find the first code here:!news/c7g6
News: April 3, 2014
There are no major news for this week without violating spoilers policy.
To accomadate the "green" week, this week's weekly time fragment deal has chnanged to 4 green time fragments for 2 time crystals.
This week's special Character Pack is designed by Susan (one of the creator of the game) War Doctor, Winston Churchill, Adipose (Yellow), River Song, Rory the Handbot and Ood . The team's strategy is built around the War Doctor. Meanwhile the Adipose (Green) and Craig Owens are also avaialble from the store for 5 time crystals each.
Congradulations, you have found my hidden message. Bonus news: there is a facebook version of the game going into closed beta, to apply for the beta, please send an email to with the subj…
News: March 27, 2014
After yesterday's release of the 9th Doctor via promo code, the 1st and War Doctor has now been made available via the Ultimate Doctor Pack for 15 crystals. Note: they will also be avaiable via season 5 as 100% drop. (Information about these Doctors is needed in the wiki)
Furthermore Tiny Rebel Games also announced another time limited time crystal sale promotion, it is live on certain platforms already, make sure you have updated your game and connected to the internet.
Meanwhile this week's weekly time fragment deal has chnanged to 4 blue time fragments for 2 time crystals.
This week's special Character Pack is designed by AdiposeTV for expert players and includes George Thompson, UNIT Commander, Rory the Handbot, Special Agent Amy Pond and…
Experience track spreadsheet
I have created an experience track spreadsheet with my own records as well as data from the site. You can see it here:
I have created several extra sheets to calcualte the difference between track and levels to attempt to predict some level 1 and track 6 data. All of the figures were recorded, not predicted feel free to use it for your own calculations.
There's also an extra sheet but that is for my own use to record the exp obtained by the companions I was using with my friend's phone. I will update it if I have more data.