DWLegacy Wiki

Nightmare in Silver: Closed for Business is the first level of season 7 and the first level the player can access after completing the tutorial (not counting the Advent Pack). Clearing the level earns each character on the player's team 241 experience.


The enemies in this level include five Cybermites, being two from type A and three from type B, one Cyberman, and a boss Cyber Webley.

Enemy Gem color HP Damage reduction Attack damage Attack charge turns Powers Powers charge turns
File:Cybermite A.pngCybermite A Green 50 0 10 2
File:Cybermite B.pngCybermite B Green 50 0 5 1
File:Cyberman.pngCyberman Green 130 0 50 3
File:Mr. Clever.pngCyber Webley Green 600 0 20 2 Heal 1

Although Cyber Webley is green, he drops black time fragments rather than green ones.


This level has four waves of enemies.

Wave Enemies
1 Cybermite A Cybermite B
2 Cyberman
3 Cybermite B Cybermite A Cybermite B
4 (warning) Cyber Webley

Special notes

This level doesn't have any green or black gems.



Eleventh Doctor: And another adventure begins!

Jenny Flint: Are we really on the moon?

Eleventh Doctor: No, Jenny, this is an intergalactic amusement park. I stopped a war here once. We need to go back through my timeline, find and stop the Sontarans... and close any paradoxes that they've managed to create. This seemed like a good place to start.

Jenny Flint: A war? Here? We'll do what we can to stop it. Just point us in the right direction, Doctor.

Eleventh Doctor: We'll need more help, and I have a good idea of where to find some.

Before wave 1

<Did you know you can target individual enemies? Try clicking on one to focus damage on them. While targeting an enemy, notice that sometimes a player in your party will have increased damage to that opponent, based on their color. Others may have decreased damage.>

After wave 1

Jenny Flint: What were those things?

Eleventh Doctor: Cybermites. But where you find Cybermites, you always find Cybermen!
