DWLegacy Wiki

This category contains all characters with remove powers. For quick reference, please use the sortable table displayed by clicking here

Ally Remove
Bannakaffalatta Portrait Color Varies 5 Turns
The Third Doctors Sonic Screwdriver Mk 3 Portrait Column 5 4 Turns
The Fourth Doctors Sonic Screwdriver Portrait Row 6 4 Turns
The Eleventh Doctors Sonic Screwdriver Mk 6 Portrait Cross shape 10 7 Turns
River Songs Sonic Screwdriver Portrait Color Varies 7 Turns
The Third Doctor + Portrait Color Varies 20 combos
Harry Sullivan Portrait Cross shape 10 5 Turns
Fan Rose Portrait Column 5 4 Turns
The Second Doctors Sonic Screwdriver Portrait Cross shape 10 7 Turns
Mr. Huffle Portrait Color Varies 5 Turns
The Eleventh Doctors Sonic Screwdriver Mk 7 Portrait Row 6 4 Turns
Romanas Sonic Screwdriver Portrait Column 5 4 Turns
Young Grant Portrait Cross shape 10 7 Turns
Fan Vastra Portrait Row 6 4 Turns
Ramone Portrait Cross shape 10 5 Turns

All items (17)
