DWLegacy Wiki

(L50) Experimental Relative Dimension (29/1/2018) is one of the weekly experimental levels in the Fan Area. It was introduced on January 29, 2018 and discontinued with the following week's patch. Clearing the level earns each character on the player's team 37500 experience. The 100% drop for the level is a Time Crystal. The secondary 100% drop for the level is Signature Peri, Fan Sarah Jane Smith, and outfits for the Twelfth Doctor and John Jones.


The enemies for this level are Dinosaurs.

Enemy Gem color HP Defence Attack / cooldown Power / cooldown
PterodactylusEnemy Green


Green 125k 500 1300 1 Heal syphon: Weaken pink gems 1
VelociraptorEnemy Green

Velociraptor 1 / 2

Green 125k 500 1500 2 Poison for 3 turns 1
Green 150k 500 500 1 Vicious bite: Damage 1
AnkylosaurusEnemy Green

Giant Ankylosaurus

Green 300k 500 7k 2


Wave Enemies
1 Pterodactylus Velociraptor 1 Pterodactylus
2 Velociraptor 2 Velociraptor 1 Velociraptor 2
3 Velociraptor 2 Pterodactylus Velociraptor 2
4 Giant Ankylosaurus